Today the City of Worcester, the second largest city in Massachusetts made an extremely exciting announcement. Today, they announced that the Tripple - A professional baseball organization, currently known as the Pawtucket Red Sox, have signed a letter of intent to build a modern multi-use baseball park and a multi million dollar redevelopment in the city's evolving Canal District.

The city of Worcester has been full steam ahead with a number of projects and initiatives working to revitalize the downtown portion of the city.
I was lucky enough to be in attendance during the press conference and will recap the highlights.
The Canal District has quickly grown to become one of the Worcester's trendiest and most popular destinations. To me this is the most ideal location for the Ball Park, today, named Polar Park and home of the Worcester Red Sox! Anyone from Worcester County can agree that this couldn't be a more fitting name! It certainly has a nice ring to it. I am extremely excited about this announcement for so many reasons. Not only will this bring jobs and new infrastructure to the City but it will continue the upward momentum and revitalization that this city needs and deserves. Worcester has so much to offer and is full of diversity, there are a number of amazing colleges and universities, unbelievable cutting edge hospitals, a overwhelming abundance of dining choices, entertainment and nightlight. I always say to my husband, Worcester has so much potential to be the next Boston.
Polar Park is slated to open for the start of the 2021 season. The Parks financial model is one that makes it self supporting. Essentially easing the burden of cost from tax payers and utilizing revenue from lease payments, local property taxes, fees and parking from the development to pay off the loan. Cha-ching!
For any of you who are thinking what an issue this type of infrastructure may cause on Kelly square, and the rotary which has the highest crash rating in the State of Massachusetts. Fear not, MassDot is working alongside the City to improve and redesign Kelly Square! This will surely be a benefit to all.
Some additional highlights are as follows:
The Official Name of the team is "The Worcester Red Sox"
The Ball Park name is "Polar Park"
At this time there is no official mascot
$86M Stadium
The Infrastructure includes 2 hotels, apartments, retail shops and restaurants
Worcester k-12 students will receive one free ticket to a game per season
The project will create 500 full-time jobs and 2,000 part-time
The thing that I am most excited about is the evolution and revitalization of the City of Worcester and how rapidly it is becoming a better community. There are so many things to do in this City and today's announcement brings even more. In turn, more memories to be made with families.
Play ball!

Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, Karyn Polito.

Jordan Levy from the Jordan Levy Show on WTAG.

Pawtucket Red Sox Co-owner Larry Lucchino.