Pinterest... Damn you! This is all your fault but I am so glad that I stumbled upon the pins that inspired my IKEA Duktig Play Kitchen hack.

It all started when I was searching for a play kitchen for B. I couldn't find any that I really liked, until I stumbled upon some really cool IKEA hacks that people had posted on Pinterest. Let me back it up in case there are people that don't know what an IKEA hack is. Essentially it's purchasing something from IKEA and modifying and upgrading the item. In our case a one of a kind play kitchen that turned out nicer looking than my own kitchen.
My poor husband...
My brilliant idea that I was so excited about turned into a nightmare of a project for him. I mean just to assemble anything from IKEA is a flipping pain in the you know what. We purchased the Duktig play kitchen for $99.99. Then I went to home depot to purchase the materials and my husband was busy working away making my vision a reality. THANK YOU BABE! Check it out!
Here is the before:

Thanks to my husband here is the after:

Pretty freaking AMAZING, am I right?! I mean it's nicer than my kitchen. I was more than happy how it turned out and it has paid for itself ten fold with the amount of use that it gets. It is one of the most used toys in our home.
Below is a list of materials that we used:
2 cans of spray paint for the actual kitchen
1 can of gold spray paint for the hardware
New hardware
1 can of silver spray paint for the stove knobs
4 Knobs for the oven
Battery operated lights for under cabinet and oven lighting
Double sided tape on Velcro to mount the lighting
Plywood for the back splash
Stick on tile back splash
Contact paper for counter top (they had super cute butcher block or marble...decisions decisions....)
Pro Tips:
Spray paint everything and apply the contact paper before assembling.
I do not recommend spray painting the sink as it will chip off with use.