I love getting into the holiday spirit no matter what holiday it is. I just love doing arts and crafts, cooking and baking, decorating and doing all things that have to do with the holiday at hand.
This was a legit last minute special breakfast for B. I whipped up some pancakes while the Mr. and B were playing with all of B's new toys. I remembered seeing one of my friends post a photo on Instagram of a Santa pancake and I was like oh hey I can totally do that. I had strawberries, whip cream and chocolate chips all on hand.
All I did to create this masterpiece was plate the pancake, use a can of whip cream and make a beard and brim of a Santa hat, then add some sliced strawberries in the shape of a Santa hat and add one last squirt of whip cream to the end of the hat. I used chocolate chips for eyes but you can use anything you have on hand that your little one will eat.
I think I was more excited about the finished product than B but I think I deserve an A+ for effort!